I’ve Tried to Be a “Life Changer & Difference Maker”…
For over two decades I’ve been helping people in the church and secular world get to their next destination of service in life. I’ve been privileged to teach and train thousands over the years in the church and corporate world. I’ve studied until my hair came out and sleep gave up to be an expert at what I do. I really have tried to be a “Life Changer” and worthy of my salvation and the breath that I’m borrowing in this body. My heart’s deepest desire has been to bring glory to the King through my Christianity… even through times of drastic failure, to somehow fulfill His Will and Divine Need of me.
(Matthew 5:13-16)
I’ve Helped Thousands Spiritually and Financially…
I’ve had the opportunity to help thousands of people from all over the world learn a thing or two about how God thinks and how HE really operates. In my younger years I was recognized as an expert on Spirit Realm Understanding and Kingdom Economics. In one way or another I’ve helped thousands of folks hear from God and make a buck or two without hype or emotionalism. I’ve ministered and counseled with some of this generations greatest Kingdom Minds on Church Leadership and Strategy, which I simply term “Kingdom Level Christianity.”
My “Helping History” over the last 20 years…
- I’ve worked for and with Fortune 500 Financial Companies to shift and change their financial planning for Middle Class America
- I’ve had the privilege of sitting on Product Creation Boards to create and protect wealth for both the Middle Class and the Wealthy
- I Consult & Coach High Earning Sales & Financial Professionals to mix and blend programs and products to drastically increase wealth outcomes for their clients and as a side effect enter another level of income and branding for themselves
- I’ve helped create Christian Wealth Achieving Educational Institutions and Curriculums, Christian Financial Consulting Firms, A Prophetic College as well as Christian Health Education Entities
- We’ve created Credit Positioning Programs, Mortgage Acquisition Systems, Business Funding Systems, Real Estate Investing Systems, Leadership Development Curriculum…(blah, blah.blah)
- I also consult National & International Church, Finance & Political Leaders
In a Nutshell, “If you didn’t read all that stuff above… (lol)”
I’ve created or helped create a ton of Christian Educational Materials, Institutes, Businesses and Programs to take God’s People to their next ordained place of prestige and service for the King. I’m also truly humbled to be recognized as a Higher Level Kingdom Thinker and Strategist by some of our Highly Honored and Internationally Esteemed Church Patriarchs and Matriarchs ….(don’t really believe in name dropping) but trust me they’re heavy hitters and proven world wide experts in what the Lord has ordained them to do in their lifetime.
I’ve Been There and Done That…
I’m a regular guy from the South Side of Chicago that accepted a calling. I’ve had real life experience with failure and victory, good and evil, with ups and downs. I’ve been on and off the road of wealth and fame, highly esteemed and highly embarrassed so I’m well equipped shamefully and thankfully to help you tap back into your Divine Purpose and Finish no matter you’re story or life positioning.
Prayerfully my ups, downs and sideways experiences can help you get to the Lord’s next need of you.
Apostle James Francis
Stuff Other Folks Have Said …

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